Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Emily here....

I was just taking a blog walk today and am just sick of seeing this same blog from Aisha. So I hacked in  :) added some color thought that I would leave a little message to the Aisha's audience. Now here is the funny thing, lets see how long it takes Aisha to notice... This could be fun. 


Jude said...

Love the new blog layout. Em, your a natural!

The Johnson's said...

Ok, so your getting in the hang of blogging..... now just start your own. I want to see your freaking kid!! And boy oh boy I need you to do my hair! Its been 3 months! I am going to have to make someone out here do it but I am scared to death. Glad to see your not the only one who wishes she would update more.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Em...just start your own for heaven's sake! I want to see more Teagan...and you and Dev of course:)

dave&abby johnson family said...

Thank you! So does this mean you are finally going to start a blog? I need to see pics of that baby!

Robin said...

Hillarious! One could say the same for my lack of new blogs.

Ruthann & Lynn said...

Good color choice Em. When do you tell Aisha to look at her blog?

Karen Mello Burton said...

My niece is a hacker! And a stalker! It would be fun for you to start your own blog. I just have to remind myself that there are dishes and laundry to get done... someday :)